Naveen Johnson

A full-stack web developer — building UX rich, accessible & performant websites

Get in touch

My Work


A travel website that uses Foursquare API and OpenWeather API to provide the weather and the local attractions for a possible travel destination.

  • JavaScript - Async Requests
  • JavaScript - Promises
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A landing page for an Instant Camera business advertising their latest product.

  • HTML
  • CSS - Layouts
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The VC Experience

A landing page for a company showcasing it's mission, portfolio and it's investment team.

  • HTML
  • CSS - Flex
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About Me

After briefly contributing in the open-source community, I was inspired to become a self-taught web developer. My passion lies in building minimal and elegant designs, while keeping the web page accessible for all types of users. Currently looking for oppurtunities to showcase my skill set, while learning more about JavaScript frameworks, Java and Kotlin.

My Resume

Get in Touch

Are you looking for a fast-performing and user-friendly website to represent your product or business? Looking for any kind of consultation? Or just want to say "Hi 👋"? In any case, feel free to send me an email and I will do my best to get back to you at the earliest.

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